WRaith Clan Story:In The Beginning..
Wraith Clan had been started in the summer of 2005 in the demo version by players Nitro and Brano.Both of them were great soldiers,they wanted to have a small bunch of friends,so they figured out the WRaith Clan.Official map of the clan was Trail,they invested on it a long time,later in spring of 2008,WRaith clan moved to full version.The clan is saluting for his great manager,ex clan-leader - EXIT - who stand always with clan,even in the hard times too.The clan also can be happy,because we had another two great people,called DosSantos and KisDeciS.DosSantos made a clan map,called Depot Pro $tyle.Kisdecis was our second webmaster and a great clan-leader.Without those 2 peoples WRaith clan would never ever be a fine clan with great warriors.In 16.VII.2008 Clan Leader Brano wanted to rush the clan,because many players were inactive,but Exit,Kisdecis,Dossantos,Hochiminh and Szabi wanted back the clan,so the clan had been started again and still presents ;).
WRaith clan in the early 2009-2010...
WRaith clan in 2009 had fine succes.We won clanwars against many enemy clans,such as BoS.A big strike was the loss of our greatest 'master' Kisdecis,he left the clan,because didn't had enough time.After this time,clan leader Brano,Exit,HoChiMinh and Cunderlinho had also left the clan.This was the biggest tragedy in the life of clan.After the leaving the clan,the clan leader and webmaster is CL WRaith Szabi,who is making the web and collecting the players.In 2009 our first girl warrior had connected into the WRaiths,her name is WRaith CougaR,who is the 2nd leader of the clan since 2010.
The end - 2011
In the spring of 2011,WRaith Clan had stopped the gaming on each game.Dear friends,maybe one day we will continue our Carnage against the VietCongs,but yet,at least for a while,we are completely inactive.C you as soon as it's possible
-The story is oveR-
WRaith Clan Members(most active,legends,managgers)
1st:WRaith Nitro&WRaith Brano(2005-2008)
2nd,WRaith Exit(2006-2010)
3rd,WRaith Cunderlinho(2006-2010)
4th,WRaith DosSantos and WRaith TuPac(2006-2009,2010)
5th,WRaith KisDeciS(2006-2010)
6th,WRaith Szabi(2008-present)
7th,WRaith CougarGirl(2009-present)
WRaith Clan ALWAYS picks up in Clan Server new players,and we're managging fun wars and One-Day Challenges.